Patchwork Quilt Update

I have a passion for sewing clothes…the results are so fast and provide, for me, a sense of instant gratification. Making a quilt is a little different!  Admittedly it hasn’t been my sole focus since I started planning it, but boy oh boy the hours that can be sucked up quilting has taken me by surprise. I have now cut out most of my fabric ready to start forming the blocks and I have made a small dent on the embroided muslin squares.

I can see in this photo that my stitches have definitely improved from the first puckered flower I embroided to the last cherry block.

I’m thinking tomorrow night, in front of the TV with a bottle of wine and hours of the royal wedding will be the perfect time to get some serious stitching done. I just can’t wait to bring all these pieces together.

One thought on “Patchwork Quilt Update

  1. That sounds like a fun night! T.V. and crocheting is good for me. I’m just about finished with a warm weather wrap. I haven’t done hand-embroidery in a long time. Is your quilt going to be for a wall hanging or some other use?

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